“Following the meeting this morning I wanted to email the feedback.
Since D has been placed with you, it has been really lovely to see the improvements he has made with the support you have given him. I really enjoy reading the placement reports even of incidents as they are always measured and child focused. I like hearing how you speak to D and focus on the positives even in moments of difficulty and give him the consistent message that it is ok to have a bad day and that doesn’t mean the placement is broken or he has ruined it.
The communication I get is always good and balanced so I always know what is going on for D but am not overwhelmed with multiple calls and emails for minor things. As D’s social worker it has been a breath of fresh air for me to see him being supported so robustly and I have been able to take a step back as previously I was seeing D nearly every day and having multiple calls daily from the placement which became unmanageable.
I like that you all have been able to see the lovely D I know as sometimes others have struggled to see behind his behaviour.
Thank you,